The Holy Spirit of Truth, Comfort and Restrainer of Evil!

Question: What is the main point in John 16:7-13?


Jesus explains the necessity that He go away; and the Spirit of Truth to come to Earth to “guide into all Truth, to help people to understand, and to give Knowledge of the future”.  “To speak and convince people of the Truth of Jesus’ Salvation Work, and judgement for all who do evil”, and also to “restrain the Evil One”, until the time is right for Evil to attempt to take all control of Earth, “when He (The Restrainer) will be removed to allow that” (2Thess. 2:7–17)!!



Question: Why does nobody seem to notice the Biblical prophecies that we are coming to, and how can people be so blind to not see the clear signs of the times we are living in?

We have to remember that we are all living in a world where all people are labouring under what some Churches call “fallen nature”; see Adam and Eve.

However, there is a Force in the world, sent by Jesus Christ, called the “Comforter”, which is the Holy Spirit of Almighty God, which is striving with men and women, to see the Sacrifice of God in Christ Jesus!

The great enemy of God and men is working in the opposite way, to convince people that it is nonsense, and to try to destroy faith in God and Jesus by denigrating the Holy Bible!

The Churches also are not in the main, teaching Truth as in the Bible, especially the Truth of Salvation and end Age events, which we do seem to be in now!

However; The Holy Spirit, the “Comforter”, works to help all people of sincerity to know the Truths of God, and brings people to the point of sincere conversion in Christ Jesus!

When the known number of the Gentiles is reached, (Romans 11:25-27) that are the “Body of Christ Jesus”; the Comforter will be withdrawn, (also known as the “Restrainer”, 2Thess. 2:7) and for a short time, Satan through his Anti-Christ will hold sway on Earth, and that may well be the time that the Body of Jesus is absent; by the withdrawal from Earth call by the Apostle Paul “the Taking away”; and paraphrased since as the “Rapture”.

See: End Age Events  (Study)


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